About the Campaign

Organ Donor for Life is a national campaign to increase the number of organ donors in the United States.  The number of people on the national organ waiting list continues to increase.  Only 40% of the adult population in the US has opted in to become a donor.  Through personal stories, inspirational activities, and small policy changes to streamline a complex and effective system, Organ Donor for Life will help decrease the 6,000+ people who die each year waiting for an organ.

The campaign was established in July 2010 in honor of Harold Strope’s 15th anniversary of his heart transplant.  In celebration of Harold’s health, he and his daughter Sara, an avid triathlete, decided to embark on a journey together to both conquer a triathlon race together and raise awareness about how organ transplantation can save lives.

What We Do>>

Who We Are>>

Learn more about Harold’s story>>

Get the facts on organ donation>>


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